Monday, August 6, 2007

Indulgence, within 'limits'

So many people who really love food, who love to make truly gourmet meals, appear to hold the opinion that meat is necessary for a truly rich gastronomic experience. One of my favorite cousins, the sommelier, has said to me on a couple of occasions that he wishes I'd eat meat, so that I could taste something he thinks is an especial treat. A friend of mine from college, who has the wonderful initials A.Z., said to me at our last reunion that, "I really just feel that you're missing out."

My response? That I think he is, too. Not that he shuns vegetarian cuisine nor the panoply of fruits, vegetables and grains it offers, but that I have heard it said that eating meat reduces the tastebuds' capacity for appreciating the subtleties of flavor that vegetarian meals can provide.

Hey, maybe I'm biased.

It is a challenge, however, as someone who really adores good food, to convince friends and restauranteurs that exquisite meals can be had from vegetables, fruits, grains, dairy and eggs. Even more so, now that wheat, rye, oats and barley have to be crossed off the grains list.

I suppose that's one of my reasons behind this blog. I hope that my cooking and my photography make the food look appealing enough that someone who reads this who can eat gluten and who does love meat will still look at one or more of my dishes and say ... I've gotta try that.

I think it's possible. If I may boast a little, I can at least say that my dinner guests never have complaints. :-)

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